Year 1
Welcome to Year 1!
Year 1 Teacher
Mr S Margrie
Teaching Assistant
Mrs C Penney
Miss R Sterry
Ms S Bray
Throughout the Autumn term, our topic is 'Toys'. In History, we will be learning about toys from the past and the present and we will look at how toys have changed over time. We will compare past and present toys and we will learn about what old and new toys are made from. Please have a look at our Topic knowledge organiser below.
In Science, our topic is 'Everyday Materials'. We will identify and name a variety of different everyday materials and we will also learn about what different objects are made from. We will also identify and sort materials into groups based on their properties and later on in the term, we will investigate which materials would be better to make certain objects. Please have a look at our Science knowledge organiser below.
- PE is on a Wednesday (Indoors) and Thursday (Outdoors). Please can your children wear their PE kit into school on these days?
- Reading books will be changed on a Friday and it is expected that children read their books three times. The first two books will be books that are linked to their Read Write Inc level and the third book is a 'Reading for Pleasure' book. This is a book that can be read by an adult to a child.